VMI Dodge Wheelchair Vans

AVAILABLE OPTIONS: Northstar® | Northstar E™ | Summit™

Northstar® Power In-Floor Ramp

Grand Caravan Wheelchair Van VMI Northstar

VMI pioneered the Northstar in-floor ramp system in 1993 to satisfy wheelchair user needs for additional interior space and a safe, clean, obstruction-free vehicle interior. After two decades of refinement, the Northstar remains the most technologically advanced ramp system on the market. The Northstar ramp simply slides out from within the vehicle floor, rather than taking up valuable space inside the vehicle. The significant advantages of the Northstar in-floor ramp system over traditional fold-out ramps make it VMI’s best-selling conversion.

VMI Dodge Northstar® Features

Northstar® E™ Manual In-Floor Ramp

Grand Caravan Wheelchair Van Northstar E

The Northstar E™ manual conversion is designed for wheelchair users with caregivers. Its simple design features front-seat wheelchair access and an in-floor, slide-out ramp. The Northstar E offers practicality, ease of use and other side-entry benefits at an affordable price. The manual in-floor ramp of the Northstar E is easy to stow and deploy and it does not take up valuable interior cabin space when stowed.

VMI Dodge Northstar® E™ Features

Summit™ Power Fold-Out Ramp

Grand Caravan Wheelchair Van VMI Summit

The VMI Summit fold-out ramp system features a fully powered, fold-out ramp. The Summit ramp stows inside the vehicle cabin and smoothly extends outward when deployed. The ramp is designed with 2” side rails to provide an additional level of comfort when deploying up and down the ramp.

VMI Dodge Summit™ Features

Get More Information on the VMI Dodge Northstar®

Call a Mobility Specialist at 877-501-8267 and let United Access help you find the right wheelchair van to best suit your mobility needs.