VMI Wheelchair Vans for Sale

Northstar® with Access360® Power In-Floor Ramp


VMI prides itself in producing the easiest to use, most accessible mobility solutions in the world. The Northstar in-floor ramp system offers an array of features that simply cannot be matched by vehicles with fold-out ramps. VMI Northstar owners get all of the benefits of an in-floor ramp without the compromise associated with rear-entry or fold-out conversions. The VMI Chrysler Pacifica wheelchai van combines our unrivaled interior space, 360˚ maneuverability, interchangeable front seats, and in-floor ramp with the automotive industry’s most stylish and technologically equipped van.

VMI Chrysler Pacifica Features

Get More Information on the VMI Chrysler Pacifica Northstar®

Call a Mobility Specialist at 877-501-8267 and let United Access help you find the right wheelchair van to best suit your mobility needs.