United Access Media Requests

For media, the Corporate Communications department at United Access is pleased to assist with any news-related requests regarding our company. Please note the appropriate email contact for your request:

Blogger inquiries:

Email: Blogger Inquiries

Reporter inquiries:

Email: Reporter Inquiries

Call: 1-877-501-8267


We understand that reporters are often under tight deadlines, and we strive to meet your needs to the best of our abilities. We ask that members of the media follow a few simple guidelines:

Media Coordination

Our corporate communications professionals are responsible for scheduling all interviews and photo shoots. Please contact our Corporate Communications department at our headquarters for any media needs. We will be happy to provide an appropriate spokesperson, and to schedule filming or photos at local dealership. We also have photos available for use upon request.

Designated Spokespeople

Employees in our stores are not designated as media spokespeople unless authorized by our Corporate Communications department at our headquarters in St. Louis.

Privacy Permissions

We ask that members of the media respect our customers’ privacy. Prior to interviewing, videotaping or taking photos of a customer, we ask that you obtain permission from that individual.

Activities on Premises

All videotaping and photography of our dealerships must first be authorized by our Corporate Communications department. If you would like to enter a branch for video footage, sound bites or photos, please call us for assistance.


For donation or sponsorship information, please call your local United Access dealership.


Quick Contact

Contact us with any questions, concerns or information requests.
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